Telegram is one of the largest social networks in the world and has managed to attract more than one billion monthly active users. The main advantage of this popular social network is its attractive updates.
Telegram has the ability to create channels and groups, which is a very useful feature for businesses, with the difference that in your channel you are in one-way communication with your users, and if users want to send you a message, they must refer to your personal ID. but in your user group, they can also interact and talk with each other.
In Telegram channels, you can publish your products in the form of posts, and each post you post in the channel has a number as the number of views of your posts, the higher this number, the more your posts have been seen.
The higher the number of views of your channel posts, the more credibility your channel has and the more users like your channel.
One of the services that you can use to increase the number of posts in your Telegram channel is bots to increase the number of posts in Telegram. In this article, we will try to introduce three of the best bots to you.
1 - @Eagleviewsbot

This bot is one of the oldest active Telegram views bot that you can use to increase the number of views of your posts in Telegram. (All new users are given a thousand free coins by default, which you can use to test the robot - each coin is equivalent to one visit)
What services does this robot provide?
- Order Single Post Views ( buy telegram views for one post )
- Order Multi Post Views ( order views for several posts )
- Auto Post Views ( After posting each post in the channel, the views will be sent automatically )
What is meant by Auto Post Views?
This feature is the most used bot service because you can add an unlimited number of channels and specify separate settings for each. For each channel, you can set a certain number of views, so that every post you put in the channel, the robot will automatically place an order for that post and send you the number of views you have registered. This feature makes your work very easy.
What is the percentage of users' satisfaction with this robot?
The percentage of users' satisfaction with this robot is very high and maybe close to 100% for several reasons, including the fact that it uses several different servers to provide services, which makes it have the least amount of interruptions and the speed of completing orders is completely instantaneous.
2 - @Dragonviewsbot

This robot is almost similar to the previously introduced robot and has attractive features including unlimited services!
In these services, you can receive the desired package according to the requested visit for each post and sending it to the robot support ID in Telegram. (This service is suitable for channels that send more than 20 posts per day - also You can use unlimited channels and if you have more than one channel, this service will be very suitable for you(
3 - @Tigerviewsbot

This bot is the newest bot for Telegram View Post services and has the same manufacturer as bot number 2, but it has better and more updated services.
Which robot do we recommend?
All the proposed bots have been carefully checked and these three bots are the best telegram bots currently that you can use their services. In this report, things such as the history of the robot - service quality - the right price for the right service, etc. are included.
The capacity to send bot visits is up to 5 million visits for each post, and if you need more visits, you should contact the bot support. The minimum amount of visits for each order is determined by the admin of each individual robot and it is not a fixed number, it may change according to the conditions, but currently it is 300 visits for each order in all three robots.
Is it legal to use these robots?
Yes, they are completely legal and will not cause any problems for your channel because all visitors are real Telegram users! Has an active Telegram account. You can safely use the services of robots.
Can I Buy telegram post views from the site?
Yes, there are many sites, but please note that placing your order on the site is not instantaneous, but will take between 1 and 24 hours, so it is better to use robots. The site is suitable for buying from the site.